Welcome from the Top Down

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Welcome from the Top Down

Welcoming new employees to your company

Great customer service and a positive customer experience start with happy, caring, and dedicated employees.  Their first day of work is one of the most important days for both your company and your employee. What they see and do that day sets the tone and has an impact on their perception of company culture.


Make them feel welcome right away
We all know that video is a great way to humanize your message and make a strong connection, so how can you use this to your advantage?



Shields Healthcare asked us to produce this video so their
President, Peter Ferrari, could personally
welcome every new employee on their first day.


How would this video make you feel on your first day of work?

The goal was for people to feel welcomed, give them an intimate look into the company so they can see how much long-term opportunity is there, and reinforce that they made the right career decision.


Many businesses are incorporating video into their internal communications systems, from employee onboarding videos to training videos. This one-time investment provides value over and over again through synergistic messaging and efficiency.  Contact us to discuss how you can incorporate video into your internal systems. 



DesignRush has nominated Viamark Video as one of the Top 10 Advertising Agencies in Boston.


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